
Cholelithiasis ( Gallbladder Stones)

The concentrated, hardened bile particles that build up in the gallbladder or bile ducts are called gallstones.

Causes Of Gallstones

The exact cause is not known. Some of the causes may be cholesterol-lowering agents, some estrogen supplements, gallbladder dyskinesia, etc.

Types Of Gallstones

CHOLESTEROL STONES-Usually yellow in colour.PIGMENTED STONES-Usually black in colour. MIXED STONES-Mixture of both cholesterol and pigment stones.

Symptoms Of Gallstones

Indigestion, Bloating,Nausea and vomiting, Fever,Jaundice, Epigastric pain which radiates to back, Upper right abdominal pain or tenderness, sometimes they may be asymptomatic and diagnosed by routine ultrasound.

Complication Of Gallbladder Stones

a)Cholecystitis-infection in the gallbladder which leads to cholecystitis sometimes leading to gangrene, rotten gallbladder, and perforation of the gallbladder

b)empyema-pus formation in the gallbladder

c) stones might migrate down into the bile duct leading to JAUNDICE, requiring ERCP procedure to remove the migrated stones

d) PANCREATITIS migrated stones may block the pancreas leading to inflammation of pancreas.

Treatment For Gallstones

Many times the gallbladder stones are small and asymptomatic and need to be observed. Medical treatment many times may not dissolve the stones. Avoiding fatty and oily foods is suggested since they
might cause problems for those who have silent stones. Surgical intervention is recommended for people who have stones that are causing symptoms and complications and larger stones, especially in diabetic patients and patients planning for pregnancy.

Surgery is usually done with Laparoscopy. DR.KUMARAGURUBARAN is an expert in LAPAROSCOPIC
and treating patients with GALLBLADDER STONES.

Diet & Life After Gallbladder Surgery

-Most of the patients do well after gallbladder surgery and are able to eat normally and lead a normal lifestyle and work.

Gallbladder Polyps

In many patients, there may be small projections called polyps growing in the gallbladder, usually asymptomatic.Usually, these polyps are small and multiple and require only observation.However polyps
reaching 1cm in size are more prone to cancerous transformation and hence for polyps reaching 1cm in size- surgery is usually advised

Gallbladder Cancer - Carcinoma Of Gallbladder

Sometimes long-standing gallbladder stones with cholecystitis may lead to cancer of the gallbladder, usually diagnosed in later stages and requires surgery-RADICAL CHOLECYSTECTOMY, where a part of the liver surrounding the gallbladder is also removed with the gallbladder. They may be followed by chemotherapy or radiotherapy.Usually diagnosed by CT scan,MRI scan and PET scan.

Adenomyomatosis Of Gallbladder

In this condition, the glands in the mucosa of the gallbladder migrate into the muscles leading to gallbladder wall thickening usually requires surgical interventions.

DR.KUMARAGURUBARAN is the Best Doctor for GALLBLADDER STONES and GALLBLADDER related problems. And one of the best doctors for LAPAROSCOPIC GALLBLADDER SURGERY.

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