
Gastric Disorders


Gastritis is the inflammation of the stomach lining.


When the     whole   of the stomach  got inflamed it is known as PANGASTRITIS.

c) Antral Gastritis

The inflammation of the stomach’s inner mucosal lining in the distal part of the stomach – antral region is known as antral gastritis.

Patients with gastritis usually has abdominal pain and burning sensations and bloating,belching,etc.

d) Atrophic Gastritis

When the stomach lining is irritated for an extended period of years, atrophic gastritis (AG) occurs. Atrophic Gastritis may sometimes happen as a result of the immune system unintentionally attacking the good cells lining the stomach. This condition is called autoimmune atrophic gastritis.

e) Gastric Erosion

Erosions are small ulcers or small breaks in the epithelium lining the inside of the stomach.Usually there are multiple and maybe caused by some drugs like painkillers, Steroids , stress,etc.They may present with abdominal pain,burning sensation, and vomiting.

f) Peptic Ulcers

Ulcers are bigger break in the epithelium resulting in bigger wounds in the epithelium lining the stomach resulting in ulcers. These are usually caused by increased acidity,injection of analgesics,steroids,anti-platelets,HELICO BACTER PYLORI INFECTIONS.They may arise in the stomach called GASTRIC ULCERS or in the DUODENUM called DUODENAL ULCERS

g) Non Ulcer Dyspepsia

In   this patient has indigestion symptoms like fullness after food, belching, abdominal bloating, etc. An endoscopy may be normal.

h) Aphthous Ulcers

Small or superficial ulcers which may arise in the oral cavity and stomach and in the small intestine and may be an indicator of inflammatory bowel disease.

i) H.Pylori-Helicobacter Pylori

Most frequently, an H.PYLORI bacterial infection is the source of the inflammation. The bacteria damage the mucus layer that shields the stomach lining from the digestive juices’ acidity. If the infection is left untreated, the stomach lining’s cells will eventually be destroyed,resulting in gastritis and peptic ulcers.Usually treated with H.PYLORI KIT.

j) Gastroparesis

Gastroparesis is also known as delayed gastric emptying, is a disease that delays or prevents the transit of food from the stomach to the small intestine.Even though there is no obstruction in the stomach or intestines. Usually gastroparesis is common in patients with diabetes,and other neuropathy disorders and patients taking certain medications like anti-parkinson’s drugs,etc.Patients feels fullness even after eating only small amounts of food.

k) Gastric Outlet Obstruction

Gastric outlet obstruction (GOO) refers to a disorder, when the pylorus, the stomach’s outflow, is blocked. It is a mechanical obstruction.People who have a gastric outlet blockage frequently vomit food that has collected in their stomach but cannot flow through the obstruction into their small intestines.This may be caused by a tumor obstructing the gastric outlet or cicatrization (scarring) of a duodenal ulcer.Rarely pancreatic head tumors and duodenal tumors may also cause GOO(gastric outlet obstruction).Diagnosed with Endoscopy and CT scan


Usually with surgical and GASTROJEJUNOSTOMY for gastric outlet obstruction or cicatrization (scarring) of a duodenal ulcer.and for stomach cancer.

DR.KUMARAGURUBARAN is one of the Best Doctor in treating gastritis and gastric-related disorders. And the best doctor in performing GASTROJEJUNOSTOMY.

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