
Haemorrhoids Or Piles

Haemorrhoids, also known as piles, commonly known as Mulayam in Tamil, are enlarged and inflamed veins in the rectum and anus.

Types Of Piles

Haemorrhoids come in two types: internal haemorrhoids that grow in the lower rectum and form inside the anus and external haemorrhoids that form under the skin around the anus.

Causes Of Piles

Haemorrhoids are a result of straining, which puts pressure on the veins in the rectum or anus.

Anal and rectal veins might swell and inflame as a result of any strain that puts more pressure on the tummy or lower extremities. Haemorrhoids may appear as a result of:Pregnancy,Rectal growth, putting up a lot of effort to defecate due to constipation, lifting large items with effort or weightlifting, A low fibre diet

Degrees Of Piles

Grade 1- When the piles stay inside the anus.

Grade 2- When the piles project outside the anus during defecation and reduce spontaneously after defecation.

Grade 3-When the piles project outside after the defecation and have to be reduced by pushing inside by hand.

Grade 4-When the piles stay outside and cannot be reduced.

Symptoms Of Piles

Bleeding, Itching or irritation in the anal area, Discomfort, pain, or soreness around the anus,Lumps and swelling in the anal region, Dilation, or bulging, of a vein, which may or may not be painful, depending on where it occurs.

Complications Of The Piles

Haemorrhoids can be extremely painful and persistent, which can lead to A thrombosed haemorrhoid may occasionally burst. Another rare complication is a strangulated haemorrhoid, where the blood flow to an internal haemorrhoid is cut off, which can cause extreme pain. Prolapsed haemorrhoids are the haemorrhoids which prolapse outside the anus ,resulting in significant pain and swelling


Piles are usually diagnosed by a doctor doing a rectal examination and by doing the proctoscopy examination. A sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy may be done to rule out the rectal or colonic pathology.

Treatment Of Piles

Initially the doctor prescribes some medicines for reducing the pain , constipation and to reduce the bleeding and advises on diet modification and lifestyle modification. If symptoms are not improving then the intervention is advised by the doctor.

Sclerotherapy-Sclerotherapy can be done for grade 1 piles.

Banding- Branding can be done for grade 2 piles.

Haemorrhoidectomy-Can be done for GRADE 3 and GRADE 4 HAEMORRHOIDS. Open or closed haemorrhoidectomy can be done.

Stapler Haemorrhoidopexy- In this, a stapler is inserted into the anus and fired and the tissue is cut and stapled back leaving behind no wounds resulting in very less pain and faster recovery.

Hal- Haemorrhoidal Arterial Ligation-This is the latest method in which the hemorrhoidal artery is ligated under doppler guidance resulting in shrinkage of the haemorrhoids often used with LASER.

Laser Treatment For Piles- In this a calculated number of joules of laser energy is delivered to the haemorrhoids resulting in shrinkage of the piles .In some huge pile masses laser can be used to cut and remove the piles.

DR.KUMARAGURUBARAN has huge experience of treating thousands of piles patients and can be considered as one of the BEST FOR TREATING PILES & PILES SURGERY & Also DR.KUMARAGURUBARAN is an expert in LASER TREATMENT OF PILES.

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