

Pancreatitis is the inflammation of the pancreas. It develops when the digestive enzymes secreted by the pancreas start to digest the pancreas itself. There are two forms of pancreatitis- ACUTE PANCREATITIS & CHRONIC PANCREATITIS.

a) ACUTE PANCREATITIS – In this, the inflammation and infection of the pancreas develop acutely and the pancreas becomes edematous and swollen and the abdomen becomes distended patients have severe pain and develop abdomen distention and vomiting.Usually caused by ingestion of alcohol, gallstone disease, trauma, medications, etc. The commonest cause is alcohol/ gallbladder stones.
The pancreatic juice escapes into the pancreatic parenchyma resulting in autodigestion of the pancreas. This may lead to pancreatic necrosis, fluid collection in the pancreas, pseudocysts of the pancreas, etc. The severity of the pancreatitis may vary from grade 1 to grade 10 in a CT scan. Severe pancreatitis is a life-threatening condition. The patient may develop multi-organ failure leading to a threat to the life of the patient. Patients are usually treated with IV fluids, nil per oral, antibiotics, analgesics and medications to decrease the
inflammation and pancreatic secretions
The treatment will depend upon the severity of the pancreatitis and its course. Some patients may need surgical interventions also like PANCREAS NECROSECTOMY and surgery for PSEUDOCYSTCYSTOGASTROSTOMY and CYSTOJEJUNOSTOMY
b)CHRONIC PANCREATITIS –  In this condition the inflammation in the the pancreas is chronic and recurrent associated with the stone formation in the
pancreatic duct and stone formation and calcification in the pancreatic parenchyma or the gland. May be associated with duct dilatation and
stricture. The patient may develop recurrent abdominal pain,and maybe associated with alcohol ingestion and other conditions like cystic fibrosis and PANCREATIC DIVISUM.
Treatment usually includes medical management. Sometimes endoscopy procedures like ERCP and pancreatic stenting are done. Some patients may require surgical interventions like PANCREATECTOMY
PANCREATICOJEJUNOSTOMY,(PUESTOW), headcoring FREY’S procedure. Long-term patients with chronic pancreatitis may develop pancreatic cancer and need constant surveillance.
Acute severe pancreatitis can lead to necrotizing pancreatitis, which may be a life-threatening situation, which may lead to multi-organ failure. Many patients may require surgery like NECROSECTOMY.
A pocket of fluid that forms outside of the pancreas following damage, typically from pancreatitis, is known as a pancreatic pseudocyst. Leakage from the pancreatic duct might occur from a severe case of pancreatitis. Digestion enzymes from leaking pancreatic secretions might irritate nearby tissues. A scar-like, fibrous capsule of protecting tissue grows around the leak. It’s a Pseudocyst.

Surgical Management

– Usually, pseudocysts are managed conservatively with medical management, however, failure of medical management and symptomatic pseudocysts larger than 6 cm are taken up for surgical management and usually CYSTOGASTROSTOMY or CYSTOJEJUNOSTOMY are done.

DR.KUMARAGURUBARAN is one of the Best Doctor for treating patients with PANCREATITIS and patients with PSEUDOCYST OF PANCREAS

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