Small intestine is also called the small bowel.It is the part which connects the stomach to the colon (large intestine),where the food travels.
Abnormal growth of cells in the small intestine leads to the formation of mass or tumor,cancer.
To remove the cancerous growth or mass or tumor, surgery is done.Procedures like small bowel resection and small bowel anastomosis are carried out.
Small bowel resection is also known as small intestine resection.
It is a Surgery to remove a portion of the small intestine. It is carried out when an unwell or obstructed portion of the small intestine.
The surgical joining of distinct intestines to create a continuous channel is known as an anastomosis of the small bowel.
The surgeon will use stitches or staples to join the intestine’s two ends during an anastomosis.
DR.KUMARAGURUBARAN is one of the Best Doctor in performing Small Bowel resections and Anastomosis procedures.
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